Be the best, the best is always preferred. Encarta Dictionary defines Best as ‘better than all others’.

The bests are always beautiful, the best things sell itself. In the exercise of weighing against, the best is said to be the most quality of all. The best occurs on purpose, it can never be achieved accidentally or stumbled upon. Obtaining the best responds to conscious exercise and practice; because, it is a process.

To be the best, you need to observe the following Diligently

1.      Discover yourself – I mean, Know who you are. Your discovery sets you up for your Recovery. To discover yourself is to have a good understanding of who you really are and to also know the reason for your existence.

Your depth in self-discovery determines the magnitude of success you record and how meaningful your life will be. Because life is like a gold mine, until it is explored, you can’t get its full benefit. In discovering yourself, you’re answering the ‘Who Am I’ question. And when you don’t know who you are and what you’re made of, you’ll never know what you can be. The identity crisis you find in the world today emerges from individuals not knowing who they are. They see themselves in the mirror of others. And they take the definition others give of them.

2.      The second step is to answer the question of ‘Why Am I Here On Earth?’ When you can answer this question successfully either in your career, education or business, you’ve just joined the path to greatness. The answer to this question now becomes your Driving force which enables you forge ahead even in the face of the storms of life.

3.      Step three, You Need To Study – Studying is very essential. Studying is a rung on the ladder to greatness. It exposes you to the experiences, failures and successes of the veterans in any endeavour.

Studying gives you exposure to the civilised and outer world. It gives you an edge above others. When you study, you’re showing that you don’t know it all and you really want to learn more from those who know. It is a confirmed proverb that, ‘He who seeks, finds’. Studying definitely, will get you better than you used to be.

4.      The forth step is to Get A Mentor – A Mentor is a trainer, he stands as you guide; he monitors your progress as you walk up the ladder of success. When you get a mentor, he nourishes you with his experiences through advices and supports. Mentors are those who have achieved what you want to achieve. They are men who take you on tour. They’ve been there, ahead of you and they have the Technical Know-how of what you need to excel.

5.      Step Five –Find your Passion. Your passion is what you have strong interest in. Passion don’t die but thrives on the wings of pursuit. Make sure you pursue your dream until you’ve achieved it. What you don’t find, you don’t discover and what you don’t discover, you will never possess; because pursuit is what gives value to discovered passion.

6.      The last step is, Be Ready To Pay The Price – The price you pay for a thing is the Sacrifice you offer to obtain the value that thing carries. Note that Price is Priceless. Negotiating and wanting to Compromise the Price of Greatness is an indicator that you’re not ready for the greatness.

Finally – to be the best, Excellence Must Be Your Watchword.


No one owes you anything. You owe yourself everything. You owe
yourself destiny – You owe your destiny your Purpose Fulfillment.

If the Lord gives the Birds of the air their food but He never throws
it in their nests, they still have to go all out to scout for it at
all the places God had kept their food.

The same way for you and I. All that we need has been Provided and
Made Available. You just have to go all out and Identify the Location,
Recognize the Opportunities and the Need You Can Meet; and finally,
Apprehend Your Belongings.

HOJ Weekly